online form
HMEF Grant Application
Your proposal must be no longer than five printed pages and have the
following format:
A. Overview: In one hundred words or less, summarize your project.
B. Criteria:  Answer all questions from criteria requirements.
C. Budget: Present a complete breakdown of the total funding requested and resources used for pricing/costs. (Include shipping and handling costs)
1. Income: Indicate if funds are being allocated for this project from other sources, such as PTA, Booster Club, or other public/private grants.
2. Indicate if the project could proceed with partial funding.
3. Grant applications over $3,000 should identify additional sources of funding and be willing to accept partial funding from the Foundation.
D. Support: Submit at least one letter from an administrator supporting this project. If technology related, the grant must be reviewed by the IT Department. Send IT approval with the grant application. (All technology purchases must be ordered through the IT Department.)
B. Criteria:  Answer all questions from criteria requirements.
C. Budget: Present a complete breakdown of the total funding requested and resources used for pricing/costs. (Include shipping and handling costs)
1. Income: Indicate if funds are being allocated for this project from other sources, such as PTA, Booster Club, or other public/private grants.
2. Indicate if the project could proceed with partial funding.
3. Grant applications over $3,000 should identify additional sources of funding and be willing to accept partial funding from the Foundation.
D. Support: Submit at least one letter from an administrator supporting this project. If technology related, the grant must be reviewed by the IT Department. Send IT approval with the grant application. (All technology purchases must be ordered through the IT Department.)
Criteria Requirements
- Must be compatible with MAP and Show Me Standards.
- Must clearly define goals and expected outcomes.
- Identify current research, if applicable.
- Identify innovative or new aspects of education.
- Must enhance student learning and/or improve teaching practices.
- How many students and/or teachers will this grant impact?
- Fully describe activities and timetable for implementation.
- Identify how this grant can be easily replicated in other classrooms or schools.
- Budget page must be reasonable and thorough.(see item C on application)
- Justify all purchases of equipment and materials.
- Identify a plan to evaluate the project.
- Must submit recipient grant evaluation report by May of the school year the grant is implemented.
- Must have a letter of support from your administrator.
- An account will be set up by the HMEF Board of Directors for each grant awarded.
- Grant recipients must fill out a grant requisition and send to the Public Information Office, located at the Administration Center, with receipts/invoices attached.
- Report all changes of the grant to the Foundation Board for approval.
- • Money will be disbursed to grant recipients only with completed grant requisition forms and proofs of purchase (order confirmation/receipts/invoices). Checks will be made out to grant recipient for exact amount or checks will be made out to the vendor for exact amount of purchase. All orders must be completed by the Grant Recipient. Payments will be made from the HMEF Office.
- The Grant Requisition steps are:
- Call 816-761-6667 for a purchase order number.
- Call 816-761-6667 for a purchase order number.
- Place the order (if not a Technology item).
- . Complete the Grant Requisition form in its entirety.
- . Attach the receipt, invoice or order confirmation and return to the Administration Center,
Attention: HMEF Executive Director - If Grant is an audiovisual or computer, send completed requisition including PO# to the Technology Department at Baptiste x7208.
- Technology will complete order, acquire invoice and return completed Requisition form to the Administration Center, Attention: HMEF Executive Director.
- . Checks will be made out to the grant recipient for exact amount or checks will be made out to vendor for exact amount of purchase.
- Checks will be disbursed within five school days
- Grant money must be spent by May 15th of each year.
- • Grant Evaluation Form must be submitted to the Administration Center, Attention: HMEF Executive Director, by May 25thof each year.
- All materials of the grant become the property of the Hickman Mills C-1 School District
Any funds remaining at the conclusion of the grant project, will stay in the Foundation’s account.
Questions? Please call the Executive Director at 816-761-6667.